Sustainable Land Development for Renewable Energy Solutions

Land development is critical to the success of many renewable energy initiatives—such as energy storage and solar photovoltaics (PV). Many of our customers are interested in pursuing on-site energy storage and/or solar, but do not always have the space or land to accommodate a utility-scale or industrial-scale system. Whether or not our customers have access to land, our development team is responsible for a range of necessary processes—from land acquisition and site control (if applicable) to navigating all interconnection and permitting applications, which is essential for ensuring success.
In this blog, we detail the role of land development in bringing a renewable energy system online, including the many challenges and opportunities development teams face along the way and how best to navigate them.
The Role of Land Development in On-Site Renewable Energy Projects
The Convergent Energy and Power (Convergent) land development team is responsible for ensuring access to suitable land through negotiations and agreements with landowners. Identifying land where energy storage and/or solar generation (solar-plus-storage), can be permitted is crucial. Attempting to permit a project where it's not allowed in the designated zone could entail complex processes such as obtaining an ordinance amendment or a conditional use permit. Therefore, the focus remains on locating areas where zoning regulations align with the project's objectives. The permitting process establishes the energy storage project's legality, safety, and environmental sustainability. It also helps mitigate potential risks or negative impacts on the surrounding community.
Secondly, securing site control is paramount for establishing the system’s location and avoiding potential conflicts or disruptions. Following site control, the interconnection process, which links the project to the existing energy grid, is a critical next development step. A land development team should understand what goes into the interconnection process and anticipate—and resolve—any challenges that may arise.
How We Evaluate Proposed Land Parcels for Energy Storage and Solar
Before we begin development, we evaluate each site for climate, biodiversity, and land integrity risks. We analyze the proposed site for critical habitat—areas of high biodiversity value such as wetlands, marshlands, and threatened ecosystems. We refer to maps of Critical Biodiversity Areas and work with local regulatory codes to ensure our projects will not put local ecosystems and communities at risk.
We also make sure that our sites will not pose new threats to engendered species. We are committed to avoiding development on World Heritage Sites and are sensitive to the land rights of Indigenous Nations. Before we begin construction, we work with the local community and provide a period for feedback. Our team collaborates closely with landowners, fostering genuine partnerships and listening to their needs and concerns.
How We Restore the Land Upon Decommissioning an Energy Storage or Solar System
Our energy storage and solar PV systems are designed to have minimal impact on the land and decommissioning involves seeding all our sites with a seed mix involving native grasses once the equipment has been removed. We are intentional when it comes to avoiding the potential introduction of invasive species to an ecosystem. In addition, we’ve worked on multiple land-use projects where we started with a brownfield and left the site improved. Our goal is to enhance local environments when we can do so through diverse planting efforts that will reduce post-project runoff and blend the site back into the local ecosystem.
At the time of decommissioning, the installed equipment will be removed, repurposed, disposed of, and recycled where possible. The facility will be restored to a state similar to its preconstruction condition. The removal of equipment and material will be done in accordance with the applicable regulations and manufacturer recommendations. All necessary permits will be acquired and any authorities having jurisdiction will be notified. Before decommissioning, the facility will be de-energized and disconnected from the grid in coordination with all applicable parties. Generally, the decommissioning of the facility proceeds in reverse order of the original installation.
Project Spotlight: Convergent’s Solar-Plus-Storage System for National Grid
Convergent’s 10 MW/40 MWh energy storage system connected to 15 MWdc of solar generation with National Grid is one of the first solar-plus-storage solutions ever to provide a non-wires alternative (NWA). After working closely with National Grid to crunch the data and analyze the need for a proactive solution, we financed, designed, and constructed the system to solve optimize the electric grid and deliver a reliable and sustainable resource to the community.
A key player in the success of the system is Convergent’s Land Development team, which conducted rigorous data analyses to navigate the regulatory complexities presented by this system. As Brian Gemmell, then National Grid’s Chief Clean Energy Development Officer, emphasized, "Convergent’s expertise in developing and operating energy storage solutions that benefit utilities and communities made them a natural fit for this project."
Most importantly, our solar-plus-storage system for National Grid is cost-effectively increasing capacity at National Grid’s Pine Grove substation while also providing community solar to residents, further reducing costs for the community. This is an example of what we—and the industry-- refer to as “value-stacking.”
Conclusion: Moving Forward on Your Energy Storage and Solar System
If you’re ready to move forward on your energy storage and or solar PV system but unsure if you have the right parcel of land or how to assess the land, Convergent’s Land Development team can help. We can also help even if you have secured and analyzed your land, by managing the interconnection process and supporting community engagement efforts. We are proud of our commitment to sustainable practices and 12-year track record of energy storage expertise.
As a leading developer, owner, and operator of energy storage solutions in North America, we excel in identifying and developing land for utility-scale energy storage and solar-plus-storage systems.
If you’re ready to supercharge your community and the reliability of your electricity grid, please contact us today to learn more.